mardi 25 septembre 2007

All about me

My name's Gwénaëlle.
I'm 16 years old. I was born on the 27 of February 1991.
I'm a student in Pierre d'Ailly high school. I'm in fifth form.

I live in CHOISY AU BAC in the north of FRANCE.
I've got one brother aged 8 and named Benjamin.
I've got one sister aged 11 and named Nolwenn.
And I've got a half brother named Edouard.

My parents are divorced and I live with my mum and my step father.
My father lives in Grenoble and is an engineer and my mum is an English teacher.

I like dancing and going shopping, I'm fond of motorbikes and I'm crazy about my boy friend.
I don't love "biches" and I can't bear doing my homework.